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Friday, September 2, 2011

did i really?

Yes, yes, i did, i played World of Warcraft for the first time in 4 months after i said i was done with it. that was a bad idea, very bad, not because i was playing WoW, but because i buckled after i said i was done with the game. So, today i hang my head in shame after doing something i promised myself i wouldn't do every again.


dom said...

Why you don't want to play WoW, as long as it doesn't affect your life is cool

Bulwyf said...

I'm ignoring WoW for 2 years now.
But the lvl 20 free version almost got me.

odis9000 said...

@dom: WoW doesn't affect my day to day, i just want to stop playing it.

@bulwyf: that is exacly what got me when i decided to get on. :(

Major Mack said...

still never played. sounds like its better that way :)

josh said...

Have you heard of tera online? I think the true action combat will set it apart from wow.

odis9000 said...

i'll have to give it a shot sometime when i have time.

Kyle said...

We've all done it.

Mike said...

Once you leave, they pull you back in bro.

Phil said...

WoW is worse than heroin, brah.

Been there.

phag said...

A couple months? Not bad!
Gotta be some kind of record.

Ashlyyy said...

I still play wow on Draenor:) Horde ofcourse (A)

Whereas said...

im poor and have to stop playing for a bit, bet my guild is going to shit

joker said...

you should "really" add me back


joker said...

btw i love wow

Shaw said...

I could never play past 1 or 2 months. Never played again after burning crusade. Such a pointless time and money sink of a game.

odis9000 said...

yeah, that's very true, but my record for not playing is around a year and it's still fun every time i come back from a break.