
Enjoy the time you spend at this blog. cheers!

Monday, October 10, 2011

i feel like a t-rex and song of the day # 9

well, i got sick and it hasn't been the funnest thing to happen to me this week.
i do have to say though that i do love the flavor of my cough drops and medicine, but who knew the day after i get slizzard at my sisters wedding reception i come down with a sore throat. Then, the day after that i come down with a sinus cold and just have to laze about my day. On the other hand, this does give me the time i need to go to every blog I'm following and catch up on what you guys have been posting, so expect to see a few comments from me sometime today, if my medicine doesn't knock me out.

P.S. Here is the song of the day.
